Brian Tally, a former SGT in the United States Marine Corps was severely injured due to the incompetence of several doctors and ER staff, at the VA hospital in Loma Linda, Ca. His misdiagnosis led to months of neglect and malpractice, that eventually nearly cost him his life. After nearly a year long battle with the VA’s General Counsel attorneys, Brian was denied compensation for his injuries, because the VA had concluded the accused physician was not a VA employee, but an “independent contractor” working within the VA. The VA also concluded that it’s not responsible, or accountable for the injuries and malpractice due to the current FTCA law / Contractor Exception.

Brian is now on a mission to change the law to protect all veterans from unidentified “independent contractors,” and to ensure that VA is transparent and fully accountable.


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Brian Tally VA Medical Care and Liability Improvement Act


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Brian Tally VA Employment Transparency Act

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